Executive Security International
Alumni Career Board

Bill Rome
Bill Rome Security Specialist 616.490.7198 Bill started his career in law enforcement but soon made the switch to corporate security where he served as Regional Director of Security for the largest bank in the Mid-West. In 2002 he transitioned to Executive Protection and then in 2004 he was recruited as an Operational Security Specialist and worked as a contractor to the US State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service and the Department of Defense in high threat regions. For the past 18 years Bill has worked high threat contracts for the US government and also contracted jobs in the private sector. His professional experience has afforded him the opportunity to serve some of the world’s most influential people and recognized individuals along with their families. Bill’s travels have taken him to over 40 different countries and 6 of the 7 continents. He has worked under both secret and top-secret security clearances, has a degree in criminal justice and is also a graduate of a Maritime Institute.